3, 2008
took the Big Three on a retreat to the top of Mt. Tabor. The Big
Three, his cabinet, were Peter, James and John, the same three
disciples Jesus took with him for a special time of prayer in the
Garden of Gethsemane, on the night in which he was betrayed.
top of Mt. Tabor, there was a moment of glory. Jesus was
transfigured. His face shone like the sun. His clothes were a
dazzling white. No doubt, the disciples were dumfounded. Suddenly,
two spiritual figures appeared-- Moses and Elijah. I’ve often
wondered how they were recognized. How did the disciples know they
were Moses and Elijah? Were they wearing signs?
I visited Mt. Tabor, they divided our group and put us into taxis.
Our taxi driver was wild and reckless. He took us up at top speed,
squealing around the corners, driving close to the edge of the
cliffs. He couldn’t speak English, but at every breathtaking
curve, he hollered, “Hallelujah!” (which is Hebrew for “Praise
the Lord”). By the time we reached the top, we decided we also
might see visions!
call this event the Transfiguration of our Lord, and it is read on
the last Sunday before Lent. Lent is the 40-day period (excluding
Sundays) leading up to the crucifixion. The Transfiguration
inaugurates Lent. Note the contrast—the highs and lows; a glorious
Transfiguration on one hand, and the humiliating, painful
crucifixion on the other. The Transfiguration, high on a mountain,
preceded the long, lonesome journey to death on a cross.
is significant to recall the context in which the Transfiguration
occurred. Six days earlier Jesus and all the disciples were in
Caesarea Philippi, the source of the Jordan River. Jesus asked them,
“Who do you say that I am?” Peter answered, “You are the
Christ, the Messiah, the one for whom we have been waiting.”
According to Matthew 16.21, “From that time on, Jesus began to show
his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and undergo great
suffering at the hands of the elders and chief priests and scribes,
and be killed, and on the third day be raised.” Peter reacted,
“God forbid it, Lord! This must never happen to you.”
Jesus was talking about and facing his suffering and death, he was
transfigured. Highs and lows. When life is tough, God breaks
through in moments of glory. The Transfiguration may be difficult
for us to comprehend, but don’t discount what God can do. There is
more to life than what we perceive. There is more than the
explanations offered to us through biology, chemistry, psychology,
sociology or politics. There is more going on than our puny, logical,
limited minds can perceive, conceive, and explain. The
Transfiguration is an event of hope and glory, an event in which God
breaks through. In the transfiguration of Jesus, the spirit world
broke though into our world.
in Arizona last month, we worshiped at the church where our son, his
wife and daughters are members, the church where I served as interim
pastor several years ago. The pastor told us about a young man who
had no time for church until the doctor told him he had cancer and
would have one to three months to live. Then he came to church. He
came to a healing service. He knelt, hands were laid on him, prayers
for healing were prayed, and God broke through. The young man was
transformed, and God gave him a ministry of reconciliation. He had
been estranged from most of his family, but after the experience, he
set out to restore the relationships. He was not healed of cancer,
but his relationship with his family was healed. God gave him 11
months to live, rather than three. Before he died, he told the
pastor, “I am not afraid. I have peace.” When he died, his bed
was surrounded by his once estranged family. God broke through. God
doesn’t necessarily keep us from trouble, illness, or death, but
God helps us deal with what happens. God breaks through in moments
of glory.
old Brian had been trapped beneath the automatic garage door for
several minutes when his mother found him dead. A neighbor, who was a
doctor, performed CPR. The paramedics continued the treatment while
they rushed Brian to the hospital. They revived him and the surgeons
began operating. The door had crushed his little sternum right over
his heart. They worried about both heart and brain damage. 24 hours
later, Brian woke up, reached out to his father, and said, “Daddy,
hold me.” He had no permanent neurological or physical damage.
month later, Brian said to his mother, “Sit down, Mommy. I have
something to tell you.” Brian, only three years old, usually spoke
in small phrases, so the long sentence surprised his mother. She sat
down with him and he began his remarkable story.
you remember when I got stuck under the garage door? Well, it was so
heavy and it hurt really bad. I called to you, but you couldn’t
hear me. I started to cry, and then the birdies came.”
birdies?” his mother asked, puzzled.
the birdies made a whooshing sound and they came into the garage.
They took care of me.”
one of the birdies came and got you. She came to tell you I got
stuck under the door.”
sweet, powerful, reverent feeling filled the room. His mother
realized Brian had no concept of death and spirits, so she asked,
“What did the birdies look like?”
were so beautiful. They were dressed in white. Some of them wore
green and white.”
they say anything?”
they told me the baby would be all right.”
baby laying on the garage floor. You came out and opened the garage
door and ran to the baby. You told the baby to stay and not leave.”
mother nearly collapsed, for she had indeed gone and knelt beside
Brian’s body. Seeing his crushed chest, she had looked around her
and whispered, “Don’t leave us, Brian, please stay if you can.”
She now realized that his spirit had left his body and was looking
down from above on this little lifeless form.
what happened?”
went on a trip, far, far away. We flew so fast up in the air.
They’re so pretty, Mommy, and there is lots and lots of birdies.”
went on to tell her that the birdies told him he had to come back
and tell everyone about the birdies. He said they brought him back to
the house and a big fire truck and an ambulance were there. A man
was bringing the baby out on a white bed. Birdies told him he had to
go with the ambulance, but they would be near him. He said they were
so pretty and so peaceful, and he didn’t want to come back. And
then the bright light came. He said the light was bright and warm,
and he loved the bright light. Someone in the light hugged him and
said, “I love you but you have to go back. You have to play
baseball, and tell everyone about the birdies.”
breaks through. There is a spirit world all around us, and when life
looks bleak, it sometimes crashes in. Note how Brian described the
bright light. Jesus was transfigured by a bright light. I’ve
asked my wife, Eleanor, to tell you about a time in her life when God
broke through.
was a clear mid-afternoon that I was driving up a mountain pass when
I stopped for road construction. The last in a line of cars, I
looked in my rear view mirror and saw behind and below me a vehicle
coming at an incredible speed.
I prayed, “don’t hit me;” and then with my foot on the brake
and holding my breath, I waited. As I heard the impact, I saw in the
sky in front and above me a colorful display and wondered why there
were fireworks in November.
I heard a woman’s voice screaming, “Lady, are you all right?”
I looked to see a woman pounding on the passenger side window. The
vehicles which had been in the lanes ahead and next to me were gone.
the weeks and months following, I was exhausted, had difficulty
focusing and preparing a meal was impossible. Pain was excruciating.
evening late in March, Doug looked me and asked, “Are you worried
about your health?” I looked at him and said, “I don’t know, I
just know I’m not right.”
bit later, contemplating what was not right, the words “life-force”
came to mind, and I realized that mine was gone. I got ready for
bed, lay down, then got up, walked into our office where Doug was
working and began gathering up several business documents. I said,
“If anything should happen to me, you need to know where these are
and I’m putting everything in this lower desk drawer.”
went back to bed and prayed, putting myself in God’s hands. I
thanked Him for my life, and recounted the precious experiences of
family, events and people that had filled my life. I was grateful.
I shut my eyes and did not expect to wake up in the morning.
I did wake up, and it was not yet morning. It was dark. On the wall
opposite our bed, the heavy window drapes were closed, but at the
corner juncture of the ceiling and wall, there was a brilliant circle
of deep yellow light. I knew immediately what it was and with a
sense of quiet peace, I watched as the bright circle of yellow light
slowly descended diagonally down toward me. It hovered over my feet
and then slowly moved up over me as I felt sensations of warmth and
energy. At one point, I excitedly thought, “I’m going to be all
right! I’ll get up and start doing this and that”; but then told
myself, “No, just wait; let this happen.”
light moved very slowly through me; leaving a feeling of gentle
warmth and vibrancy. It passed through my head, seemed to hover
behind me, then came back and moved down through my body more quickly
this time until suddenly my right toe touched my left toe and the
sensation was so startling that I jerked in alarm. I realized I had
not had feeling there for a long time.
light then was gone and again I had the thought that I should get up
and start working, but decided to lie there until Doug awoke so that
I could tell him. He asked, “How do you feel now?” “Wonderful.”
God is Good.”